3 Tools to Enhance Your Teacher Voice

Breathe: Breathing correctly prepares you to talk in your teacher voice. Your goal is to breathe using your diaphragm. Inhale in a way that puffs out your stomach a bit like a balloon. Then push out the air like you're deflating the balloon. If you take in a deep breath and your shoulders scrunch up, you are not using your diaphragm. Try breathing using your stomach and not your lungs.

Take a Second: Now that you know how to breathe, you now need to take a moment to get into the right mindset. You don't want to start your statement with fillers like "Um". Take a second to gather your thoughts. What feels like a whole minute to you is only a couple seconds to your audience. Don't be afraid of a few seconds of silence.

Project: Congratulations, you're ready to talk! Project your voice in a way that allows all of your students to hear you. Point your mouth to your audience. Be aware that looking down or to the side may muffle your sound.

Consider using these tips to improve your teacher voice! 😄